Let us introduce ourselves
A few words about us
We are twins born and raised in India. We spend 28 years of our life in the holy land of India.
Many have asked us this question: what we both do for living?
We have a Masters and a PhD degree in Biochemistry.
Shivani: I am working as a Senior Scientist at Vanqua Bio, a start up Biotech industry in Chicago. My research is on finding new therapeutic options for Parkinson’s patients. I am passionate about transforming people’s lives through medicine and spirituality.
Shivangi: I am a Principal Scientist working for Grove Biopharma Inc, a seed-stage pharmaceutical company in the West loop of Chicago. I am discovering new molecules to cure neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
As scientists, we both were always amazed by the greatest physicist, Max Planck who said: “For believers, God is in the beginning; for scientists, God is at the end“. Hence, our search for truth continued until we found our path towards grace and it is a beautiful journey so far!
How it all came to be…
Inspiration & support of parents
Experience the heart of India with us
Inspiration and Invitation
In our 28 years of growing up in India, we never found an unhappy person in spite of poverty, struggle for existence and challenges. On the contrary, in the West, we see most people have moderately luxurious and comfortable lives; still why is it so hard to find people who are happy?
The universal truth is that we all are eternal souls searching for happiness with a strong innate desire to love and be loved. But, where and how do we find: long-lasting happiness, love that is selfless and life which is devoid of miseries?
This trip will open our eyes, broaden our perspective and help us to get answers to these timeless questions. We will be exposed to a culture that embodies “In giving we receive”.
We are inviting you on this trip to share a part of our journey with you all. This trip is a calling to re-define ourselves, re-visit our purpose and refine our mind. This pilgrimage is an opportunity for us to step outside our current context of life and experience what the other world has to offer.
We urge you to approach this journey with an open heart and an open mind, and let the grace embrace you, enlighten you, and enliven you entirely. We will return with a newer paradigm based on the principle of transforming arrogance into humility, greed into generosity, hate into love, vengeance into forgiveness, selfishness into selfless compassion”.